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Michael Musterberg (m.musterberg@muster.de) from Cologne, 10-May-2009 08:30
Subject Enthusiastic about your product X
Text "Hello there! I would like to warmly recommend product X to all medium-sized companies. After our company foundation we were looking for a solution for electronic communication and found product X. It really meets all our requirements. Greetings from Cologne! All I can say: Go on with it!"

Comments to this entry

  • Markus Muster (m.muster@muster.de) from Musterberg, 10-May-2004 12:30
    "I'd like to support Michael's view. We are also very satisfied with this solution for medium-sized companies. Furthermore I am very much surprised at the support for this product. After having placed a request via eMail, a solution was sent already 1 hour later."

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